UniProt Accession Number Reagent Type Target Name / Protein Biomarker Target Species Host Organism Isotype Clonality Vendor Catalog Number Conjugate RRID Availability Method Tissue Preservation Target Tissue Tissue State Detergent Antigen Retrieval Conditions Dye Inactivation Conditions Recommend Agree Disagree Contributor Notes
Q9UIF3 Primary Antibody TEKT2 Human Rabbit IgG Polyclonal Novus Biologicals NBP1-86955 Unconjugated AB_11017402 Stock Multiplexed 2D Imaging 1:4 Cytofix/Cytoperm Fixed Frozen Thymus NA 0.3% Triton-X-100 NA NA Yes 0000-0003-4379-8967 NA 0000-0003-4379-8967 1


Additional Notes

  1. Labels epithelial super structures enriched in aged male thymus. Antibody is believed to label intended target but best to evaluate in positive control (lung FFPE samples). Target is highly expressed in ciliated cells of respiratory epithelium of the lung.