UniProt Accession Number Reagent Type Target Name / Protein Biomarker Target Species Host Organism Isotype Clonality Vendor Catalog Number Conjugate RRID Availability Method Tissue Preservation Target Tissue Tissue State Detergent Antigen Retrieval Conditions Dye Inactivation Conditions Recommend Agree Disagree Contributor Notes
P07196 Primary Antibody NF-L Human Mouse IgG1 NFL3 BioLegend 845907 AF647 AB_2728564 Stock Multiplexed 2D Imaging 1:4 Cytofix/Cytoperm Fixed Frozen Thymus NA 0.3% Triton-X-100 NA NA Yes 0000-0003-4379-8967 NA 0000-0003-4379-8967 1


Additional Notes

  1. Labels nuclei of thymocytes. Labels other structures than nerves in the thymus; however, this antibody has been validated in other positive control tissues.