UniProt Accession Number Reagent Type Target Name / Protein Biomarker Target Species Host Organism Isotype Clonality Vendor Catalog Number Conjugate RRID Availability Method Tissue Preservation Target Tissue Tissue State Detergent Antigen Retrieval Conditions Dye Inactivation Conditions Recommend Agree Disagree Contributor Notes
Q3S4B0 Primary Antibody F4/80 Mouse Rabbit IgG D2S9R Cell Signaling Technology 70076 Unconjugated NA Stock Opal-plex 10% Formalin for 7 Days Lymph Node Infected Akoya Antibody Diluent Akoya AR6 NA Yes 0000-0003-0666-4804 NA 0000-0003-0666-4804 1
Q3S4B0 Primary Antibody F4/80 Mouse Rabbit IgG D2S9R Cell Signaling Technology 70076 Unconjugated NA Stock Opal-plex 10% Formalin for 7 Days Liver Infected Akoya Antibody Diluent Akoya AR6 NA Yes 0000-0003-0666-4804 NA 0000-0003-0666-4804 1


Additional Notes

  1. Antibody labels macrophages in heavily fixed tissues from animals infected with Ebola virus. Signal needs to be amplified using Opal-plex.