UniProt Accession Number Reagent Type Target Name / Protein Biomarker Target Species Host Organism Isotype Clonality Vendor Catalog Number Conjugate RRID Availability Method Tissue Preservation Target Tissue Tissue State Detergent Antigen Retrieval Conditions Dye Inactivation Conditions Recommend Agree Disagree Contributor Notes
P62736 Primary Antibody Alpha smooth muscle actin Human Mouse IgG2a 1A4 Novus Biologicals IC1420S-025 AF750 NA Stock IBEX2D Manual FFPE Tonsil NA 0.3% Triton-X-100 pH 6 for 40 minutes at 95C (AR6 Akoya Biosciences AR600250ML) 1 mg/ml LiBH4 15 minutes No 0000-0002-5187-810X NA 0000-0002-5187-810X 1


Additional Notes

  1. Clone 1A4 labels smooth muscle cells and stroma in diverse tissues. Several conjugates are suitable for IBEX. AF750 conjugate is very dim as compared to preferred conjugates (AF488, eF570, eF660) but does dye inactivate within 15 minutes of LiBH4.